Megillat Esther Trope
Click the images below to view full size diagrams of the Megillat Esther Trope, and use the audio players to hear the Trope.
Esther Trope 1
Esther Trope 2
Esther Trope 3
Esther Trope 4
Esther Trope 5
Esther Trope 6
Esther Trope 7
Esther Trope 8
Click Here to view a list of the Trope Exceptions for Megillat Esther and Blessings Before and After the Megillah
Megillat Eicha Trope
Click the images below to view full size diagrams of the Megillat Eicha Trope, and use the audio players to hear the Trope.